Monday, May 4, 2020

TheoryLab: Fascinating interview with NCI director; there are some silver linings in this pandemic

​Ned Sharpless, MD, director of the National Cancer Institute, joined our TheoryLab podcast this week to talk about how we can sustain research momentum during the pandemic, what new research opportunities have arisen, and how clinical trials have been impacted.
In his interview with Susanna Greer, PhD, our scientific director of clinical cancer research, nutrition and immunology, Sharpless discusses both the good and bad effects the COVID-19 pandemic is having on cancer research. Yes, there are some silver linings, he says, including the acceptance and honing of teleheath; learning more about tracking and monitoring patients; and a new appreciation of the importance of accelerated data sharing.
In addition, NCI will be initiating a trial at more than 1,000 sites nationwide that will collect data on cancer patients with COVID-19 to learn if there are biomarkers that predict bad outcomes or if there are genetic factors associated with bad outcomes. Also, doctors are using some traditional oncology drugs on patients very sick with COVID-19, and researchers will learn from that, as well.

*Shared from MySocietySource.

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