Wednesday, April 1, 2020

National Minority Health Month

Cancer affects each population differently, and minority groups in the United States bear a greater burden for many cancers. The American Cancer Society is actively fighting cancer disparities on many fronts, learn more at

Celebrated every year in April, National Minority Health Month is an effort to raise awareness about health disparities that continue to affect racial and ethnic minority populations. The year 2015 marked the 100-year anniversary of the establishment of Negro Health Week by Booker T. Washington, which led to the month-long initiative observed today. NIMHD organized the first-ever “NIH Minority Health Promotion Day” on April 19, 2012, and collaborated with other NIH Institutes and Centers, federal agencies, and academic and community organizations to commemorate National Minority Health Month. In past years, NIMHD has hosted activities throughout April for National Minority Health Month, such as exhibit displays, a poster session, a speakers’ forum, guest lectures, health walks, exercise classes, and a science café. 

*Shared from the American Cancer Society and  National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities)

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