Have fun lip synching your favorite song while raising money for ACS
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our world upside down. What it has not changed, however, is our commitment to attacking cancer from all angles.
Is social distancing making you a little stir crazy? Want to do something fun, entertain others, and support ACS? If so, our #LaptopLipSync challenge is for you!
Choose your favorite song to sing, maybe round up a few accessories, and then create a short video to post on social media. Have fun, let go! The point is to spark joy and encourage optimism, all while raising money for the American Cancer Society.
When posting your video, use the hashtag #LaptopLipSync, tag 3-5 friends/colleagues and challenge them to create their own videos, and encourage those watching to make a donation on the American Cancer Society GoFundMe page.
A big shout out to our North Central Region for coming up with idea for the #LaptopLipSync challenge and launching it locally with great success! If you have a creative fundraising idea of your own, please submit it to ACSeventsolutions@cancer.org.
These folks have already created videos. Watch and get inspired!
- DeVontae Brooks (pictured in the smaller image)
- Elizabeth Ennis
- Lindsey Langley
Video Tips
- Use your phone or laptop to record. If using your phone, prop it up on your laptop.
- Use the first 10 seconds of the video to set up what you're doing, why you're doing it, and who you are nominating.
Sample script: I've been nominated to take the American Cancer Society Laptop Lip Sync Challenge. I accept the challenge and have donated $25 to the American Cancer Society GoFundMe page to help the fight against cancer. I am nominating Brett Brown, Penny Purple, and Willa White. You have 24 hours to respond. Now, here's Uptown Funk...
Posting on social media
- While Facebook and Instagram are highly encouraged, we recommend you post your video on the social channels where you engage most with friends and family.
- Upload your video to YouTube first and use your YouTube link on Facebook to ensure your music is not muted.
- When posting to Facebook, make sure your settings are set to public for the post.
- Share the GoFundMe link and encourage your followers to donate there: https://bit.ly/laptoplipsync
- Use the hashtag #LaptopLipSync
- Tag the three people you nominate – @BrettBrown, @PennyPurple, @WillaWhite
Example post: I just completed the American Cancer Society #LaptopLipSync Challenge! I nominate @BrettBrown, @PennyPurple, and @WillaWhite to donate to the American Cancer Society GoFundMe page at https://bit.ly/laptoplipsync and pass the challenge along or post a video lip syncing your favorite song!

*Shared from MySocietySource.
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